Ledger.Com/Start - Live to start setting up your device

Visit Ledger.com/start:Open your web browser and navigate to the URL "Ledger.com/start." Connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your computer using the USB cable provided. Ensure that your Ledger

"Ledger.com/start" is the URL associated with the initial setup process for Ledger hardware wallets. The Ledger website provides detailed instructions on how to set up your Ledger device and create a new wallet. Please note that the information provided here is based on my last update, and there may have been changes or updates since then.

If you have a new Ledger device and want to set it up, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Visit the Ledger Start Page:

    • Open your web browser and go to "ledger.com/start." This is the official page where you can initiate the setup process for your Ledger device.

  2. Choose Your Device:

    • On the Ledger Start page, you'll likely see options for different Ledger devices, such as Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, etc. Select the device that you have.

  3. Download Ledger Live:

    • You will be prompted to download the Ledger Live application, which is the official software for managing your Ledger device. Follow the provided link to download the application.

  4. Install Ledger Live:

    • Install Ledger Live on your computer or mobile device following the on-screen instructions. This software will be used to set up and manage your Ledger wallet.

  5. Connect Your Ledger Device:

    • Connect your Ledger device to your computer using the provided USB cable. Ensure your Ledger device is powered on.

  6. Initialize Your Device:

    • Follow the on-screen instructions on Ledger Live to initialize your device. This may involve choosing a PIN code, confirming the device's security features, and creating a recovery phrase (also known as a seed phrase).

  7. Write Down Your Recovery Phrase:

    • During the setup process, you will be provided with a recovery phrase. Write down this phrase on the recovery sheet provided with your Ledger device. Keep this recovery sheet in a safe and secure location. It is crucial for recovering your wallet if your device is lost, stolen, or damaged.

  8. Complete the Setup:

    • Complete the remaining setup steps on Ledger Live. You may need to confirm the setup on your Ledger device and finalize the process.

  9. Install Apps for Cryptocurrencies:

    • Once your Ledger device is set up, use Ledger Live to install apps for the cryptocurrencies you want to manage. Each cryptocurrency typically requires a specific app.

  10. Manage Your Cryptocurrencies:

    • With your Ledger device set up and apps installed, you can now manage your cryptocurrency holdings, send and receive transactions, and benefit from the security features of your hardware wallet.

Always ensure that you are using the official Ledger website and software to avoid potential phishing attempts or security risks. If there have been any updates or changes since my last knowledge update, it's recommended to refer to the official Ledger website or contact Ledger support for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Last updated